Friday, December 25, 2009

Truly Home for Christmas- A Memorial to My Brother Jeff

I'll Be Home For Christmas

I'm dreamin' tonight of a place I love
Even more then I usually do
And although I know it's a long road back
I promise you

I'll be home for Christmas….

Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams…

………they were aliens and strangers on earth.
Hebrews 11:13

But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
2 Peter 3:13

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4

My brother Jeff 55, passed away Wednesday December 23.

He was a gentle, sentimental “teddy bear” of a man. Perhaps that’s why his favorite animals were bears and in fact he had a love of all animals and the great outdoors. He was a passionate and devoted fan of his beloved MSU Spartans and proudly wore his “green and white.” My brother inherited a love of the Christmas season from our dad. Every Christmas Eve he delighted in quoting the traditional saying passed from our dad, “Tonight’s the Night!”

He possessed an sharp, inquisitive mind,before he became so burdened by an awful disease( Schizophrenia ) loved a good story and was a prankster at heart.

My brother loved to reminisce about the 1950’s, a time of his youth, of innocence, a time when our dad was alive, a time of hope when anything seemed possible.And because of his amazing recollection was able to draw out warm and funny memories of those times for me and my family. My brother also loved kids, being a big kid himself and was a very beloved uncle to his nieces and nephews.

My brother lived with mom all his life because of his special needs. After my dad died, he became the “man in her life” so to speak, although he really in many ways stayed her baby.
She needed him... and he needed her.

My mom passed away this June, at almost 93 years “young.” Although she was of what we consider an advanced age she was still was a vital woman, taking care of her household, cleaning and cooking for my brother.

My brother simply could not tolerate her loss.
They had created their own world together and my mom had created a sanctuary for him, a shelter in most ways from the world. So I believe that the Lord in His great mercy gave my brother Jeff his greatest Christmas gift ever, He took him home. Home for Christmas.....with my mom, my dad and the most glorious magnificent Christmas celebration my brother has ever experienced, joyous for one who loved Christmas so much

In years to come, at Christmas I will choose not to think of that one sad act but of him, whole, healed, free and truly “Home for Christmas”.

Love you Jeffie

Monday, December 14, 2009

Open Call to Congressional Republicans

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." - Thomas Jefferson

I spoke with JB Williams this past Friday and expressed this very same sentiment based out of my frustration...if I was in any way a "muse" for his article then I am damned (excuse the language) proud of it!

In a post on my blog on 10/11/09 I ask the same,.. I want to see some courageous forget-about-my-career action from The Hill!

Lets’ face it what do they have to lose?

Republicans/Conservatives have been shut out, disregarded and disrespected 37 ways to Sunday by this administration, especially by Pelosi and Reid. Remember Pelosi hissed, “We Won” and then proceeded (excuse my language) to bitch slap the Republicans/Conservatives around.

We have had tea parties, calls/faxes e-mails, taken to the streets, counter-protested, gave and went to Town Halls, blogged, YouTubed, we have went toe-to toe and sometimes face-to-face with the opposition. And worked over time because we know it takes ACTION!

I want to see some courageous forget-about-my-career action from The Hill!

Where is our William Wallace?

Instead of focusing on the opposition entirely, perhaps we need to focus and demand that those on our side have a tea party of their own!!

The very future of our country is at stake…TEA PARTY ON THE HILL!

Can we sign and send the JB Williams post below as a FAX to every Republican Leader on the Hill?

House Republican Leader John Boehner

Fax: (202) 225-5117

H-204 The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4000

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor

Fax: (202) 225-0011

Mailing Address

H-307 The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Phone Number

(202) 225-0197

The House Republican Conference

Fax (202) 226-0154

1420 Longworth HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-5107

MICHIGAN Republican House Reps Contact Information

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Fax: (202) 224-2499

361-A Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: (202) 224-2541

Assistant Minority Leader Jon Kyl

(Republican Whip)

Fax: (202) 224-2207

730 Hart Senate Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-4521

Senate Republican Policy Committee

Chair: Senator John Thune

Fax: (202) 228-5429

United States Senate SR-493

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: (202) 224-2321

TollFree: 1-866-850-3855

The Senate Republican Conference

Chair: Senator Lamar Alexander

Fax: (202) 228-3398

SD-455 / Washington, DC 20510

Voice: (202) 224-4944

Open Call to Congressional Republicans

By JB Williams

It’s official folks, with the Democrats steamrolling over the GOP filibuster intended to stop another TRILLION in wasteful spending yesterday, Republicans in congress have been handed their hat once again.

Do you Republicans not know that you are completely irrelevant? Or do you just not have the spine to take a real stand? Democrats are making asses out of all of you!

This is NOT a game! The future of freedom and liberty hang in the balance and most Americans know it! How did you miss it?

Republican congressional votes have NO meaning today. So what, if you are “on-record” voting against the global socialist leap off the leftist cliff? Unless you find a way to derail that speeding locomotive, you will soon burn in a Marxist hell with the rest of us.

When American freedom and liberty are gone and every American is forced into a financial corner where socialism looks better than starvation, it won’t matter who voted against it!

With the loss of the filibuster, Congressional Republicans have only ONE play left to stop the coming train wreck, when Obamunism runs head-on into millions of increasingly angry American patriots in the streets.

Only Congressional Republicans can stop that clash!

Congressional Republicans MUST WALK OUT immediately!

You must pack your bags, close your offices, refuse to enter the congressional chambers for one more pretend vote in which the Democrats will hand you your hat once again.

If Republicans want to harness the power of the Tea Party – 912 – and Town Hall patriots across this land, you can do it in three simple steps…

· Shut down congress by walking out and refusing to return. Can Democrats even call something to a floor vote without a single republican in the chamber? Would they even dare try it?

· Return home and spend time listening to angry patriots in as many town hall meetings as you can schedule. You will earn your pay at a town hall, whereas attending another congressional vote is worse than a waste of time. It’s counter-productive. Go home and listen, don’t talk!

· Grow the backbone to walk away from all of your past mistakes, and line up behind the ONLY people who can put you back in power, the American patriots who stand for a constitutional government and against the current steamroller to socialism.

You have only one other option… to keep doing what you’re doing, which amounts to being a big part of the problem, instead of a part of the solution.


GO HOME! - And set up as many town hall meetings in your home districts as you can fit into your schedule. Earn your paycheck by meeting with the people, so that you can once again begin to represent the will of the people. Don’t talk – LISTEN!

Tell Democrats that if they are determined to lead this country into the toilet, they will have to do it all alone without a single republican in the chamber when they do it, one lousy piece of anti-American legislation after another. Republicans have a very clear choice to make and you had better make it fast! The nation doesn’t need two parties full of leftist losers. Republicans willing to stay in session should be seen not as “RINOs,” but as Democrats… and they will be.

You can take a stand with the 70% of Americans who DO NOT want any form of Cap & Trade, Global Socialized Medicine, a One World Government, the Copenhagen Climate Scam, Amnesty for Illegal’s, or trillion dollar payoffs to leftist organizations and labor unions which only enrich the leftist juggernaut now running roughshod over the nation. Only 25% “strongly approve” of Obamunism as of today… It’s time for you to strike!

Severe situations demand severe action!

We are out of time for any other option. The Tea Party – 912 and Town Hall people will not – I repeat – WILL NOT line up behind Republicans too spineless to put a stop to the hourly destruction of this nation.

Republicans have ONLY one way to regain any form of power, and that is to toss out the politically correct nonsense of the past and line up behind the millions of patriots begging for action across this country!

Republicans either line-up behind the American right in a hurry, or their party is finished, as is this nation.

WALK OUT IMMEDIATELY! – And DO NOT RETURN until you have control of congress next November!

I call upon EVERY Washington DC Republican to walk out NOW!

This is NOT an issue item! This is NOT a circus stunt sideshow. WALK OUT and STAY OUT! Refuse to participate in the rape of this great nation!

If you continue to sit in that chamber and watch the gang rape of this nation, you are NO BETTER than the rapists! GET OUT of that chamber NOW! Let the American people see the rapists clearly!

God help us all if YOU lack the courage to do what must be done to save this nation!

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." - Jefferson

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Gifts for Conservatives

Gifts for a Conservative Nation...Some shameless promotion here…I have a few shops on CafePress that may provide my readers with the perfect gift for conservative family and friends.
Designs are original done by myself.

CafePress sets the “wholesale” price and the shop keeper (me) then adds to that for profit. I have keep prices as low as possible because my intent is to provide a quality design at the lowest price so the citizens of the Conservative Nation can wear “Right”

Merry CHRISTmas

To Purchase Return to Reagan Items Click this Link

Products for a Conservative Nation
Shop Right!

Return to the Principals that made this Nation Great! Reagan Revolution Part II

To Purchase Sisterhood of Sarah Items Click this Link

Join the Sisterhood: Say it loud and proud, "I AM A CONSERVATIVE WOMAN"

Products for a Conservative Nation
Shop Right!

I will make a donation with proceeds from sales of Sisterhood of Sarah items to the National Association of Down Syndrome in honor of Governor Palin's youngest son, Trig.

To Purchase Lansing, MI Tax Day (April 15, 2009) Tea Party Items Click this Link

Join Again With Thousands Across the Country!

No more Big Government, Out-of-Control Spending and Oppressive Taxation!

To Purchase Lansing, MI Independence Day Tea Party Items Click this Link

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds" Samuel Adams

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Send your Christmas Greeting to Our "dear leaders"

My intent is to provide projects of "armchair activism" that can be done from home yet still send the message to our Representatives that we will not give up until the ObamaCare Bill is killed. This abomination of government control is a nail in the coffin of our Constitutional personal liberties and in fact our very Republic.

…Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings…. Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775

“Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.” Thomas Jefferson

Send a Christmas Greeting to our “dear leaders”!

Front and back of postcards (& list of Senators) can be printed off from this site OR you can download both


Click print, you MUST USE LANDSCAPE setting in your printer when you print both the front and back

I also used the “Fast” color setting in my printer to save on colored ink and the front graphic turned out fine
After printing out front of postcard, place GRAPHIC SIDE UP back in paper tray and print out the back of card DON’T FORGET TO CHOOSE LANDSCAPE OPTION in your printer settings

Cut on lines for 4 postcards, address to our "dear leaders (printable addresses for President Obama & senators by state below) sign your name, if you do not wish to use your Street address, please consider your state and zip code to legitimatize your postcard as from a private citizen instead of a Astroturf-type organization

Slap a stamp on ( this is an oversize postcard and only needs postcard postage) and your ready to mail your Christmas “greeting” to our “dear leaders!” Merry Christmas!
Christmas Postcrd

Text on postcard back: "I already have a Savior and its not the government. And I do not want "ObamaCare" under my Christmas tree!

Christmas Postcard Back

Senators by State

Three not to miss!

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylviania Ave NW
Washington D.C. 20500

Speaker Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington D.C. 20515

Sen. Harry Reid
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washinton D.C. 20510

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A time of Thanksgiving during a time of War

In 1863 the Civil War was in its second year.

In January of that year President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect.

However September of 1863 saw,
The bloodiest two days in American history
that cost the Federals 1,657 dead, 9,756 wounded, and 4,757 missing for a total of 16,170 casualties out of 58,000 troops. The Confederate losses were 2,312 dead, 14,674 wounded and 1,468 for a total of 18,545 out of 66,000 troops.

However in the midst of that terrible Civil War, a war where every casualty was American, President Lincoln issued a proclamation of national day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens....and...fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.

Today we are engaged in a war. Although no shots have been fired, or blood shed, our country has been taken over in a bloodless coup by a Fascists regime that seeks to destroy our Republic with a Unconstitutional ideology.

This Thanksgiving let us give thanks for the bounty of America and let us fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand in repentance for our sins and in preserving our Constitution, our Republic and our very way of life as a free people of a Representative Republic that places our trust in God "In God We Trust"

Proclamation Establishing Thanksgiving Day

October 3, 1863

The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.

In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union.

Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle, or the ship; the axe had enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years, with large increase of freedom.

No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.

It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-eighth.

A. Lincoln

Friday, November 13, 2009

Outrageous! Have you forgotten Obama?

From RedState

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and four others accused in the attacks will be put on criminal trial in New York, Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to announce later Friday.

There have been reports in the past month about another potential terrorist attack disrupted in New York City. Bringing these high profile terrorist leaders to New York will just put a target on New York again.

Even worse, the White House is going to subject these terrorists to criminal trials in civilian courts. They will get all the due process rights of citizens in court and potentially will be able to get access to material evidence in a civilian court that could reveal intelligence we’d prefer them not to have.

In a splitting the baby moment, though,

in the announcement Friday will be plans to hold a military tribunal for Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, alleged to have planned the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole.

So, the man who blew up New York gets a civilian trial and the guy who blew up the Cole gets a military tribunal.???

This is more than outrageous it is a "clear and present danger" to America's security! Not only in bringing this terrorists to the city where he was the master mind behind the slaughter of 3,000 innocent men and woman but also as the article states, intelligence information will be brought out under discovery. Not to mention that this trial could last for years at what costs to taxpayers?

This is man is not a US citizen, he is a terrorist and self declared enemy of the United States. As an enemy combatant he should be tried at a military tribunal.

And of course the question must be asked, Why the man who blew up New York gets a civilian trial and the guy who blew up the Cole gets a military tribunal.??? What was the criteria used to make that decision??

Call your Congressman and Senator right now. Tell them they should use every tool at their disposal to block this.
The number to call is 202-224-3121.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wish a Soldier a Merry Christmas - Remembering our Veterans

Bobby Vinton wrote this song when he was serving in the Military. A lonely soldier, who never received any mail (no goody boxes, no care packages, no home baked cookies, no Halloween candy, no cards, no letters).

On Face book:

First of all THANK YOU ALL!!! This cause is doing tremendous because of each of you taking the time to get involved. We appreciate the cards and prepaid boxes that have been received. You are all going to make such an impact in the lives of the soldiers who will receive these. Just think...if each one of you send just 3 cards, EVERY SOLDIER in Iraq AND Afghanistan will receive a card leaving thousands extra to go to troops in other countries.

As the number of people continue to grow, the same questions seem to be popping up. So here are some answers to the questions that may be hidden around on this page.

1. Do we sign our name?
Soldiers like the personal connection, but you certainly don’t have to if you are not comfortable.

2. Do we put a return address or email?
Some soldiers like to keep in contact with those that have touched their lives while they are so far from home. However, we do understand that some of you wish not to. For those that do not wish to, we are going to include some post cards with the cards for the soldiers to write back and then post them on the site.

3. Do we seal the envelopes?
Please do NOT seal the envelopes. Unfortunately some of the cards do have messages that we would not wish any of these men or women to read while they are serving this country.

4. Do we need to include a stamp on the cards?
No, you do not. We are sending these cards in bulk to chaplains and other service members to be distributed.

5. Can we have school aged children draw pictures?
Absolutely, these men and women love getting pictures from children and many of them have children of their own waiting for them at home. For those of you doing it with classes, please include the school address for the soldier to write back to.

6. Where do we mail the cards?
Amanda Sullivan
Operation Christmas Cards
PO Box 102
Shrewsbury MA 01545

7. Can we send donations instead of cards?
Because of the generosity displayed by so many of you wanting to do more, we have gone ahead to the next step for this.
Checks can now be made payable to "Operation Christmas Cards" and mailed to the address above.

Again, THANK YOU all for supporting these men and women this holiday season though they deserve it year round.

Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have.

Thank you,
Amanda and Michelle

Also, I just received this for anyone who is interested in expressing support for the victims of Fort Hood. You may send your cards and letters here:

Ft. Hood Public Affairs Building
1001 RM. W105
Fort Hood, TX 76544

Courtesy of Stephanie S. Jasky, Founder, Director - those son is serving in the Army

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Memo to the GOP Campaign

I get them in the mail. You probably do to. Those request for donations from the RNC. Sometimes they come with an innocuous survey with no brainer questions like "Do you support a massive government run health care system? Check one Yes No

I usually just throw them out. Oh I intended to write a letter and give them a piece of my mind but somehow with the busy life I am leading it just didn't get done. However I still wanted to and felt I NEEDED to send a strong message to the GOP. I know you feel the same and I know, like myself, that despite our best intent, there wasn't the follow through.

So I decided how can I easily get my message to the GOP? How can you?

Well one picture is worth a thousand words...this graphic (below) is down-loadable and printable right off the site!

So next time you get one of those letters from the RNC asking for donations, all you have to do is print out, and return in the conveniently post-paid envelope supplied to you by the RNC!

Share with your friends, lets get thousands upon thousands of these to the RNC! Send the message..WAKE UP GOP!

Memo to GOP

Monday, November 9, 2009

Effective Counter-Protesting 2009

Are you counter-protesting more and enjoying it less?

Feel your counter-protesting has become less effective?

Perhaps it time to look outside the box for new, innovative and effective ways to maximize your next counter-protest of your local ObamaCare kool aid drinkers,, ACORN, MEA etc and so on!

The new training video below shows you how! (enjoy:)

Because we all need a good laugh now and then..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The British are Coming!

This is crunch time folks, all hands on deck needed to defeat the unconstitutional abomination Pelosi Bill in the House H.R. 3962

Join your fellow patriots around the country in a nation wide Nov. 5 D-Day Push to the Defeat Pelosi Health House Care Bill

Melt the phone lines, fax, email, send letter, show up at their on their doors. Fax or Take along a PINK SLIP if you visit your Rep’s Local Office and he/she supports the Bill.


10 minutes to phone/fax to the time it takes to hop in your car and pay your Rep a visit TO HELP SAVE YOUR COUNTRY.

This BILL is a nail in the coffin of our Republic and every citizen will lose more of their liberties and pay for the “privilege” with INCREASED TAXES

BOTTON LINE: It MUST be stopped


The phone lines, fax, email, and address of all Michigan Reps can be found HERE

Here is a phone script or Fax page to use. Add or subtract as so desired.

My name is____ I am calling from Michigan, my zip code is_____I am calling to tell Rep or Senator ______ that the Pelosi Health Care Plan needs to be killed.
It is massive government control paid for on the back of the taxpayers and future taxpayers, our children. We need to start fresh with a 10-20 page Bill that includes tort reform, medical savings account, tax breaks, buying insurance across state lines.

We want choice NOT control.

If the Congressman/woman votes for this Bill in any form, I will do whatever I can to see they do not return to Congress.
The very future of our country is at stake!

Thank you

Monday, November 2, 2009


Is there voting your in County? (see list below)
Your vote determines what happens where you live!

Kalamazoo Residents: there is an important special rights for 'homosexual and transgender initiative' on your ballot, Ordinance 1865 VOTE NO

For more Information on this unconstitutional ordinance by the radical homosexuals to force their lifestyle choice on yet another community see a previous post HERE

Michigan Counties Voting November 3, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trick or Treat and a Health Care Flier for Mom and Dad!

Halloween is just around the corner and this year it's just not about costumes and candy.

It's an opportunity to reach others with the truth that you may not otherwise have!

So while you treat the kids with candy, consider treating their parents with the Truth about the so called "health care" plan that is a nail in the coffin of our Republic (coffin image is a perfect fit for Halloween, conjures up images of a creative display for the porch :) AND common sense alternative with an easy action plan to boot!

Below are two fliers that you can PRINT OUT or DOWNLOAD right from this post (Print out one or both) Fold and put in number 10 envelope and when the kids come to your door, you give a treat to the parents!

Copies are 17 cents per copy at Office Max Folding is just 3 cents more and color paper is the same color as white, how about a nice Halloween orange?

The bag is for CANDY ONLY and it not appropriate for anything else
The parents who you are trying to reach with the truth will NOT appreciate it and you will lose those whom you are trying to win.

If you are taking your kids trick or treating, take stuffed envelopes along and hand one out at the homes you visit. Once again, please DO NOT HAVE THE KIDS PASS OUT
The kids job is to acquire as much candy as possbile :)





Common and Fiscal Sense to Health Care

What is in the Baucus Health Care Amendment


Pelosi Health Care Plan

The bill is 1,990 pages long and contains a separate 13-page bill to repeal the sustainable growth rate caps on Medicare spending. The Bill will cost more than $200 billion and is not paid for, which will break Obama’s promise to Congress during his speech.
The bill contains the word “shall” 3,425 times. Though Steny Hoyer just said the bill was open and transparent, they prevented the American people from attending their publicity rally by checking IDs and keeping people out.
Courtesy of:

Pelosi House HCR Bill

Monday, October 26, 2009

David vs. Goliath: Battling Special Rights and the Radical Homosexual Agenda

There is a battle going on right there in Michigan that many know have not heard of but the results in just a mere 8 DAYS could very well affect everyone in Michigan.

The battle is over special rights for homosexuals in Kalamazoo, Ordinance 1865

For a full analysis of What will Ordinance 1865 do?

Basically it is another attempt by homosexual activists for special rights… to FORCE BY LAW, EVERYONE else to accept, approve, and endorse their choices. And since the ordinance, includes 'gender identity', this legally recognizes an individual defining himself as the opposite sex, in this case male transgendered could "legally" use woman's bathrooms, locker rooms and showers.

And they are well funded by Kalamazoo billionaire homosexual activist Jon Stryker and other out of state groups.

From MLive:

By Kathy Jessup | Kalamazoo Gazette
October 24, 2009, 9:10AM

KALAMAZOO — A political interest group supporting an anti-discrimination (notice that they call it anti-discrimination when its not) ordinance on the city’s Nov. 3 ballot has raised a possible record campaign war chest for a Kalamazoo County election.

Based on pre-election campaign-finance reports filed Friday with the Kalamazoo County Clerk’s Office, One Kalamazoo has raised nearly $350,000 in cash and in-kind contributions, more than 10 times the $34,000 reported by Kalamazoo Citizens Voting NO to Special Rights Discrimination, a group opposing the proposed ordinance.

“If it’s not a record, it’s certainly right up there,” said Kalamazoo County Clerk Tim Snow….

While Hoadley said 77 percent of the group’s donations were for $50 or less, One Kalamazoo’s report shows some five-figure contributions, most from donors with addresses outside Michigan.

For example, the Washington, D.C.-based National Gay and Lesbian Task Force made the largest, single in-kind contribution, spending nearly $75,000 on behalf of the Kalamazoo campaign for “donated labor” and “travel, lodging and printing.”

A South Dakota gay-rights activist sent a check for $35,000. A Colorado-based organization chipped in $5,000.

Kalamazoo philanthropist(code for radical homosexual agenda) and gay (homosexual)-rights supporter Jon Stryker also has had a substantial imprint on One Kalamazoo’s financing.

The financial reports show that Stryker made a $30,000 cash contribution to the group and paid for nearly $23,000 in polling services as an in-kind donation.

Locally, the Kalamazoo County Democratic Party contributed $10,200 to the pro-ordinance effort.

One Kalamazoo says its spent about $122,000, much of that on professional campaign firms in the Lansing and Washington, D.C., areas.

Both groups may continue to raise and spend money on their campaigns. Final spending totals are not due to be reported until Dec. 3.

Bottom line: Help is needed in Kalamazoo. If this passes expect to be fighting it in your backyard

To help in any way to fight this please go to Kalamazoo Citizens Voting NO to Special Rights Discrimination There is only 8 DAYS left before the November 3rd vote

Full Court Press is needed!


Election Day

Phone Banks Mon, Tues, Wed, eve;

Sat 10 am to 8:30 p.m.

Phone from home or call center…

Neighborhood Canvass

Literature Distribution

Yard Sign Delivery

"Pray the Perimeter"

Pray that transportation and prayer warriors will be provided for the
"pray the perimeter of the city limits" caravan on November 1st.

We encourage you to fast as the Lord leads you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fasten Your Seatbelts!

Ever see the movie "All About Eve"? Great cast, great movie and one of the memorable lines from star Bette Davis was" " Fasten your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy night!"

For some reading this, you may want to fasten your seatbelts...

From a friend...Of Turkeys Pied Pipers and Newt Gingrich

A friend contacted me yesterday and with no preamble said, “Have you been following the New York District 23 race? You can say I told you so.”

About thirty seconds later when my brain finally kicked into gear I responded with, “Ok, I told you so.”

The friend was referring to New York’s November 2 Special Election for Congressional District 23, and the fact that former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is backing Dede Scozzafava, the “Republican” in the race. The word “Republican” is in quotes because she isn’t really a Republican…oh, wait a minute…I guess the voting record of Scozzafava is basically in line with most Republicans today…so never mind the quotes.

As yesterday’s Wall Street Journal editorial piece pointed out, Scozzafava’s voting record has allowed the Democrat in the race to accuse her of raising taxes too much as a member of the New York State Assembly.

And Scozzafava’s voting record is plenty good reason to run screaming in the other direction IF you give a good gosh darn about limited government, fiscal restraint, or…dare I say it…the Constitution…but there are apparently a whole truckload of other questions about the GOP’s choice, ranging from her connections to ACORN front Working Families Party and, from what I can glean, pro-choice position.

Yeah, Republican…she fits RIGHT in.

Does the fact that the New York GOP is backing such a loser come as any surprise? Of course not!

Is it a surprise that Newt Gingrich would back her?

NO…and yes.

On principle, it’s not a surprise at all. Yes, I repeat, on principle, not a surprise.

It is only a surprise from a point of view of political savvy. I think Gingrich has exposed himself far too early on. I’m actually a bit stunned. Maybe Newt Gingrich is not as smart as I thought.

Why did he do this? Who really knows? He didn’t need to. Even though the candidate is a stinker – a real stinker – he had to go step into it. Apparently he and more importantly the RNC and the GOP of New York think that if they take a currently very popular figure “from the right” and have him endorse this stinker, the people of New York are going to continue to be stupid enough to look the other way and vote for her.

Clearly, there are some people who think Newt Gingrich has a lot of political capital to spend. Maybe they are testing the waters on the Gingrich endorsement power…early.

The RNC is still playing the game. And they are counting on the American people to play along…as they have been doing for years.

I wonder if they will.

How in the hell did Gingrich manage to re-invent himself in such a manner that anyone was listening to him in the first place?

Newt Gingrich should have never again graced the political stage based on personal conduct alone. Anyone attempting to lead who leaves his wife in the manner Gingrich did ought to go gently (or otherwise) into that good night.

Yes, character does matter. Character in a representative republic is everything. (link added by me)

Even if we could lay that aside, Newt Gingrich is not someone anyone with a love of the Constitution or “conservative values” should be listening to. For confirmation, all one has to do is listen to him over a period of time – closely – and he will reveal that himself.

Gingrich believes that government should solve every problem.

After having my own eyebrows raised one too many times in listening to speeches and TV appearances, I discovered a 1996 video on Google that detailed things about Gingrich that are more than bothersome. Related, a series of articles that includes quotes from Gingrich himself on “The Third Way”, his affinity with “Conservative Futurism”, etc. Again, these gems were discovered after I saw red flags on my own.

The bottom line is, Newt Gingrich is “down” with the whole global governance thing. And, any blathering from him about bi-partisanship lasts about as long as it takes to cuddle on the couch with Nancy Pelosi to do a commercial about global warming or to sidle up to Al Sharpton to talk about education.

As usual, when push comes to shove, as in New York’s District 23, Newt is backing the Republican. The stinker Republican.

Why was I granted one of those rare opportunities to tell someone “I told you so”? I’d talked to the friend months ago when I was tearing my hair out over the fact that Gingrich had official endorsed the Tea Party movement and the brain trust that was the “National Tea Party Coalition” in control of “Tax Day Tea Party” sent out an email blast crowing about it.

The decision was so popular with Tea Party organizers that the idea was quickly swept under the rug and Gingrich proceeded to co-opt from the sidelines. I wonder how many Tea Party “packs” American Solutions ultimately sold?

In any case, Gingrich has been touted around for a while now as the next GOP-Messiah and it’s just plain disturbing. Mr. Gingrich is a fixture on Fox News Channel these days. He’s giving speeches every other day it seems.

I and others have gone several rounds with people over the whole subject of Gingrich. The reaction to any statements that Newt Gingrich is not the answer? Kill the messenger usually proceeded by lectures about not attacking “our own side”. Newt Gingrich is not on my side because he’s not on the side of the Constitution.

One of the most helpful things that could happen is for everyone to wake up and realize that it is “our own side” that is doing more damage to us than the other. The Leftists are easy to figure out, easy to spot. Their agenda is clear – to most of us. If we don’t clean house on “our side”, we’re dead in the water.

But people don’t want to hear about it. Or at least they don’t want to hear about it until someone with some “cred” says it. Trouble is, the people with “cred” don’t speak up at all or until things are pretty far down the pike.

Take for instance, Michelle Malkin. She is an excellent writer, extremely witty and often hits very hard where it counts. While I in some ways do appreciate her piece on Gingrich, I must ask…where has she been all these months? Where was she in March and April of this year? Where was she when the Tax Day Tea Party leadership team announced Gingrich’s endorsement of the Tea Party? Michelle was one of the four original “sponsors”, from March 2 going forward.

Gingrich’s history is available for anyone to see. The travels with Al Sharpton and cuddling on the couch with Nancy Pelosi are not NEWS. The “We Care” (buying into the global warming nonsense) comfy couch commercial ran in 2007. Why write an article about it in October, 2009?

Is Gingrich’s endorsement of Scozzafava really the worst sin he’s committed?

Or was it finally safe to call Newt out…under cover of all of the other articles? And why didn’t Malkin’s article spell out more facts about Gingrich?

This whole little drama makes me want to ask a lot of questions. Who on earth are we listening to? Who are we following? Why have we all succumbed so much to the culture of celebrity that we will only listen to the recognizable…regardless of their prior history? Why doesn’t plain good sense and fact have any appeal anymore? Why aren’t we all using more discerning judgment on our own or asking more questions?

Furthermore, why is it a cardinal sin to point out the bad boys within our midst? Why must we all walk in lock step?

The same friend who offered me the I-told- you-so opportunity gets really hot under the collar every time we talk politics and I point out what’s wrong with so many Republicans.

It’s not my fault that there is so much wrong to talk about. And it is really the worst kind of nonsense to state that by calling out Republicans you’re driving people to the Democrats.

How about driving away from all of these dunderheads who are leading us all off of a cliff?

I’ve had a couple of theories for a while now. Like my opinion on Gingrich, they’re not a bit popular, but I have them just the same. The first one is that as a country that is rather dangling on the edge of a precipice it’s clear that it’s taken us a while to get to this state. It’s taken a lot of people in power to get us to this point. The leadership in Washington and in most states, the political parties that have been in existence, BOTH of them, and long-standing alphabet soup groups…all have helped to drive us to the edge of that cliff. We the people, we’ve helped drive to the edge of the cliff, too.

It might be time to step away and rethink a lot of things. And most of the establishment is worthy of more than a passing amount of suspicion.

It might be time to start over.

Again, I know it is an unpopular theory. I take a lot of heat for it.

I can call out Democrats and Leftists all day long. But I should hush up about Republicans, alphabet soup groups, or even other activists who propose to retread all of the tried and true tactics used so “effectively” in the past.

I have another theory. This one has to do with going along to get along and bi-partisanship. In other words, working with people who are not on your side. Compromising.

And this one takes us full circle back to Newt Gingrich. Again, Gingrich has been blathering about bi-partisanship for the last few years. He’s spoken of it in defending the company he keeps. And he defends his own compromising. Compromising on standards.

Gingrich is very fond of Reagan these days. He’s been successful of late in painting himself as a Reagan-like figure. He even quoted him in defense of his Scozzafava endorsement:

“If you seek to be a perfect minority, you’ll remain a minority,” says Gingrich. “That’s not how Reagan built his revolution or how we won back the House in 1994.”

Bi-partisanship, compromise, wiggle room on standards, they all strike me as about effective as the former policy of detente in breaking the back of Communism. And we can harken back to Reagan for how smart an idea that was:

“Detente – isn’t that what a farmer has with his turkey until Thanksgiving Day?” - September, 1978

I don’t know about anyone else, but I think we’re at war at this point. I’m not interested in detente, bi-partisanship, or compromise. I want my country back. Back to the way the Founders intended.

I don’t want to be the turkey.

Nor do I, nor do I .....however there is another candidate running in the New York’s District 23 race...Take a look, decide for yourself if you may want to add your support Doug Hoffman

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Canadians Want You To Know About Their Health Care System AND Michigan Doctors and Patients Taxed to Death!

Courtesy of Mackinac Center for Public Policy

SIDEBAR: Michigan House-Senate Conference Committee, which is looking for ways to erase a $2.8 billion budget deficit for fiscal 2010, is considering imposing a 3 percent Gross provider tax on more than 15,000 physicians who practice in the state.

The possible physician tax, known as a Quality Assurance Assessment Program fee, would be used to increase federal matching share dollars for the state’s Medicaid program. For every $1 the state raises, the federal government matches with another $1.72.

If this tax is implemented the affect will be many doctors leaving the state and result in a reduced quality of care for Michigan citizens. How many have we lost in recent years? Something close to 500,000 of our best educated and most skilled people. "Taxed to Death" takes on an ominous meaning here..

This has already passed the House (HB 5386) and will be headed for the Senate
as SB 0854

PLEASE CALL your Senator and tell them not to TAX our doctors!