Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The British are Coming!

This is crunch time folks, all hands on deck needed to defeat the unconstitutional abomination Pelosi Bill in the House H.R. 3962

Join your fellow patriots around the country in a nation wide Nov. 5 D-Day Push to the Defeat Pelosi Health House Care Bill

Melt the phone lines, fax, email, send letter, show up at their on their doors. Fax or Take along a PINK SLIP if you visit your Rep’s Local Office and he/she supports the Bill.


10 minutes to phone/fax to the time it takes to hop in your car and pay your Rep a visit TO HELP SAVE YOUR COUNTRY.

This BILL is a nail in the coffin of our Republic and every citizen will lose more of their liberties and pay for the “privilege” with INCREASED TAXES

BOTTON LINE: It MUST be stopped


The phone lines, fax, email, and address of all Michigan Reps can be found HERE

Here is a phone script or Fax page to use. Add or subtract as so desired.

My name is____ I am calling from Michigan, my zip code is_____I am calling to tell Rep or Senator ______ that the Pelosi Health Care Plan needs to be killed.
It is massive government control paid for on the back of the taxpayers and future taxpayers, our children. We need to start fresh with a 10-20 page Bill that includes tort reform, medical savings account, tax breaks, buying insurance across state lines.

We want choice NOT control.

If the Congressman/woman votes for this Bill in any form, I will do whatever I can to see they do not return to Congress.
The very future of our country is at stake!

Thank you

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