In case you are one of the 10 or 20 people who haven’t heard of the Glen Beck Debra Medina controversy I might as well weight in here myself. I just happen to be listening to Glenn Beck yesterday and heard the interview live
Glen Beck asks Debra Median, candidate for governor of Texas, “If she believed the government killed 3,000 people on 9/11, and her answer was “I don’t know”
(The interview is at the end of the post)
However I don’t think the larger issue is if Debra Median is a “truther” or not but the fire storm that has ensued by the act of asking a question.
Aren’t conservatives supposed to be critical thinkers? Doesn’t critical thinking require asking questions and then assessing the answers according to facts and reason?
Don’t we want as critical thinking conservatives, to know as much as we possibly can about a candidate BEFORE we pull the lever in the voting booth?
“Truthers” ask questions. Does their belief of a government 9-11 conspiracy line up with facts, and reason? Or doesn't it?
If Debra Median is a truther, would that affect her ability to be governor of Texas?
Does it point to her ability for critical thinking? Or wouldn't it?
Questions should be, and need to be asked of people, groups, institutions, churches, schools etc.
Critical thinking instead of blindly following. That includes Glenn Beck, Debra Medina, Rush Limbaugh, political pundits, so called “national tea party” groups AND candidates.
Another question that needs to be asked is: Does a Texas voter have to vote for any of the candidates running for governor?
Couldn’t Texas voters write in a candidate? Would a large number of write-ins
send a message that Texans reject so called RINOS, pro-aborts and proclaimed “tea party candidates” that aren’t forth coming on major beliefs?
Do Texans need to go back to the drawing board?
Do Americans?
Questions should be, and need to be asked
Ask them
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