About 45 -50 patriots heeded the Grassroots in Michigan call for a counter protest of the leftist rally in support of the "cradle to grave" socialized medicine bill HR 676. We came from from Lansing, Kalamazoo, Greenville, Holt and Grand Rapids.
As planned we all met up at Calder Plaza by the big red statue between noon and 12:45 and headed out the the protest location, the Federal Building at 1:00. The leftist had only between 12-20 at any given time and were taken completely by surprise by our number.
One of ours on the right bringing the truth the socialist on the left.
However as usual when dealing with the leftist/socialist/Marxist its not long before the vitriol comes spewing out. It's seems to be their natural reaction when confronted with facts and common sense.
At about 2:45pm one of the Grand Rapids Press showed up and I gave an interview.
After my interview the opposition organizer, while shaking his head begrudging told me "You did a great job organizing" Well thanks guy
With the job done we headed back to our homes. Big thank you to all the patriots who participated! God Bless America!
Don't Tread on Me big government!
Don't Tread on Me big government!
More right wing extremists
From Bay City
and yours truly from Holt
(greater Lansing area)
From Kalamazoo
From Grand Rapids
(who decided to take up a postion across the street)
What can you do?
• Email, call, fax, or write your representatives
• Write a Letter to the Editor
• Post to opinion sections of newspaper websites
• Call talk radio
• Send information to your entire email address book
• Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the facts
• Email, call, fax, or write your representatives
• Write a Letter to the Editor
• Post to opinion sections of newspaper websites
• Call talk radio
• Send information to your entire email address book
• Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the facts
Contact information links, nationwide:
House of Represenatives
White House
As with many issues, Reagan was able to articulate basic principles in a way that is timeless
Click here to listen to the audio
(Audio link couresty of Grassroots in Nebraska
To get additional information on the bill, click on one of the links below:
House of Represenatives
White House
As with many issues, Reagan was able to articulate basic principles in a way that is timeless
Click here to listen to the audio
(Audio link couresty of Grassroots in Nebraska
To get additional information on the bill, click on one of the links below:
What human being would Jesus not want to have health care?
You don't seem so pro-life to me. 20,000 people die an early death due to the lack of health care.
Nice work you.
We're trying in Muskegon. Hope to organize some city township government learning sessions.
Keep it up.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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