Issue 1 Volume 1
What's Next?
Greeting Michigan Patriots,
The April 15 tea party was an amazing experience as 5,000 patriots gathered at our state Capitol in Lansing. Capitol facilities said this was one of the largest gatherings in many years. Additionally there were 25 other tea parties across the state.
As the co-organizer of the April 15th Tea party I am being asked," What's Next?"
July 4th Independence Day Tea Party
At the State Capitol 1:00-3:00pm. (Hold on to those great signs!) There will be city events around the Capitol starting with a parade at 11:00. Bring the family, great civics lesson for the kids! Web site Lansing, MI Independence Day Tea Party This event is also listed on FaceBook
The Independence Day Tea Party is a total grassroots effort by and for the people because we do not want to become an "Astroturf" event or leave any room to be excused of being so. Many Tea Parties have been done this way; the people stepping up to provide what is needed to conduct a great event. Therefore, we need and have many opportunities for volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering please e-mail to
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.
Samuel Adams
The most important thing to come out of the “Tea Party movement” is the potential for people to create networks and organize locally.
We are at war. We are at war with those who have methodically worked to dismantle our Constitution, torn apart our representative Republic, and who wish to put another form of government in its place.
That form is the antithesis of our foundations. Men well educated in history and rooted in a belief and reliance in the Creator wrote our Constitution. They recognized the nature of man does not change; he is corruptible. Since men run governments, government is corruptible and its power must be limited. Inalienable rights come from the Creator.
The antithesis is a belief that man can be perfected and therefore, so can government. Government can and must do for people if only the right planners are in place. They believe rights and liberties come from government. With the right planners in place, government knows what is best for all.
This system, the antithesis of our system, has failed repeatedly throughout history. Government is no more benevolent than the latest dictator or tyranny as history has shown.
The soldiers in Washington’s army with rags on their feet instead of shoes, crowded into tiny rowboats crossing the icy waters of the Delaware River, farm boys from the Heartland turned into Doughboys who fought in the trenches of foreign lands, to the Greatest Generation, whose blood was shed on Normandy Beach, fought against tyranny, fought for liberty. All these men risked their lives, just like the Founders, who under penalty of death, signed the Declaration of Independence, and pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
Should we give anything less?
We need to recognize we are at war. Everyone can play a part in the army. The part that people can play can be as “simple” as individuals who write letters to the editor, call, email, fax, or write their representatives, be peaceful protestors or they could be as committed to the cause as running for office. Regardless of your calling, we can and must be in this army.
We need to educate ourselves, ensure we are operating under a set of core principles, and return to a culture where an informed public, actively engaged is not looked at as a “hobby” or “interest” but one wherein it is looked upon as a civic duty.
If we are at war, it is somewhat within ourselves. More of us need to get involved in the whole process and that of course, requires sacrifice of other things we may wish to do with our time. We have become much more a society of leisure time over the course of history, yet less engaged in the processes that result in policies that affect our lives.
Finally, if we know we have arrived at a “critical pass,” we had better take a look at how we have gotten here. And that means we need to reexamine the structures that have existed and the means by which they have operate.
We must reject what has not worked, and keep what has. None of this is easy.
Are you ready for the battle?
Then please join me and other Michiganders from across our state on Grassroots in Michigan. Learning, serving, encouraging and mentoring each other as together we build a Grassroots army in Michigan!
Our mission at Grassroots in Michigan is to encourage public policy that promotes personal responsibility, individual liberty, limited government, and free markets. In an effort to emulate the principles upon which the United States was founded, we think this mission is best fulfilled through efforts from the bottom up, not the top-down.
Therefore, we will serve as a support to all in the state of Michigan who wish to collaborate openly with others to meet our stated mission.
With that mind, we will not endorse or support any officially organized groups whose agendas and/or use of funds is not clearly stated, or is in direct contrast to our mission.
What Can Grassroots in Michigan Do....
1. EDLs
Michigan is set to issue new Enhanced Drivers' Licenses (EDLs) that include long-range RFID (Radio Frequency ID) technology
In the House, Rep. Paul Opsommer has been on the forefront fighting the use of RFIDs
"Michigan is entering into a federal agreement to put unencrypted, long range RFID computer chips into our driver's licenses presents a huge privacy risk with very little benefit.... 'The new licenses would contain an unencrypted RFID chip that would contain a new unique citizen ID number that could be wirelessly read through both wallets and walls at distances of 30 feet.' ... 'Michigan should not be content to just roll over for Washington on this one, especially when there are so many unanswered questions about how the information will be shared."
If you do not pay to enhance your license, you will need a passport in order to continue going across the Canadian and Mexican borders in June
Paul Opsommer also introduced a resolution in the Michigan house called HCR 006 which is described by the short title: "A concurrent resolution to memorialize the President, the Congress, and the Department of Homeland Security of the United States to change requirements, agreements, and memorandums of understanding relating to the creation of Enhanced Drivers Licenses."
This resolution passed the house in March was referred by the Senate to the Committee on Transportation.
What can we do?
Call the members of the Senate committee saying you support the resolution and encourage them to pass this out of committee with a favorable recommendation
Jud Gilbert Toll Free (877)445-2378
Fax (517)373-1450 E-Mail
Roger Kahn Toll Free (866)305-2131
Fax (517)373-3487 E-Mail
Gerald VanWoerkom Toll Free (866)305-2134 Fax (517) 373-3300 E-Mail
Raymond Basham (517) 373-7800
Fax (517) 373-9310
John Gleason Toll Free (866) 268-2914
Fax (517) 373-3938 E-Mail
Call, fax, Gov. Granholm GRANHOLM - Contact the Governor
PHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858
FAX:(517) 335-6863 demanding to get us out of the current EDL agreement so it can be renegotiated without RFID and without foreign data sharing.
Do not get an Enhanced Drivers' Licenses. Use your passport instead. If you don't have a passport get one, if you have one check to make sure if it needs to be renewed Where to Apply for a Passport Nationwide
2. 10th Amendment Legislation
TENTH AMENDMENT: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Rep. Paul Opsommer has a House Resolution to affirm Michigan's 10th Amendment rights
Michigan Legislature - House Concurrent Resolution 0004 (2009)
A concurrent resolution to affirm Michigan's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and to urge the federal government to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States.
However, it was referred to Committee on Government Operations were it remains.
What can we do?
The most important thing to come out of the “Tea Party movement” is the potential for people to create networks and organize locally.
We are at war. We are at war with those who have methodically worked to dismantle our Constitution, torn apart our representative Republic, and who wish to put another form of government in its place.
That form is the antithesis of our foundations. Men well educated in history and rooted in a belief and reliance in the Creator wrote our Constitution. They recognized the nature of man does not change; he is corruptible. Since men run governments, government is corruptible and its power must be limited. Inalienable rights come from the Creator.
The antithesis is a belief that man can be perfected and therefore, so can government. Government can and must do for people if only the right planners are in place. They believe rights and liberties come from government. With the right planners in place, government knows what is best for all.
This system, the antithesis of our system, has failed repeatedly throughout history. Government is no more benevolent than the latest dictator or tyranny as history has shown.
The soldiers in Washington’s army with rags on their feet instead of shoes, crowded into tiny rowboats crossing the icy waters of the Delaware River, farm boys from the Heartland turned into Doughboys who fought in the trenches of foreign lands, to the Greatest Generation, whose blood was shed on Normandy Beach, fought against tyranny, fought for liberty. All these men risked their lives, just like the Founders, who under penalty of death, signed the Declaration of Independence, and pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
Should we give anything less?
We need to recognize we are at war. Everyone can play a part in the army. The part that people can play can be as “simple” as individuals who write letters to the editor, call, email, fax, or write their representatives, be peaceful protestors or they could be as committed to the cause as running for office. Regardless of your calling, we can and must be in this army.
We need to educate ourselves, ensure we are operating under a set of core principles, and return to a culture where an informed public, actively engaged is not looked at as a “hobby” or “interest” but one wherein it is looked upon as a civic duty.
If we are at war, it is somewhat within ourselves. More of us need to get involved in the whole process and that of course, requires sacrifice of other things we may wish to do with our time. We have become much more a society of leisure time over the course of history, yet less engaged in the processes that result in policies that affect our lives.
Finally, if we know we have arrived at a “critical pass,” we had better take a look at how we have gotten here. And that means we need to reexamine the structures that have existed and the means by which they have operate.
We must reject what has not worked, and keep what has. None of this is easy.
Are you ready for the battle?
Our mission at Grassroots in Michigan is to encourage public policy that promotes personal responsibility, individual liberty, limited government, and free markets. In an effort to emulate the principles upon which the United States was founded, we think this mission is best fulfilled through efforts from the bottom up, not the top-down.
Therefore, we will serve as a support to all in the state of Michigan who wish to collaborate openly with others to meet our stated mission.
With that mind, we will not endorse or support any officially organized groups whose agendas and/or use of funds is not clearly stated, or is in direct contrast to our mission.
What Can Grassroots in Michigan Do....
1. EDLs
Michigan is set to issue new Enhanced Drivers' Licenses (EDLs) that include long-range RFID (Radio Frequency ID) technology
In the House, Rep. Paul Opsommer has been on the forefront fighting the use of RFIDs
"Michigan is entering into a federal agreement to put unencrypted, long range RFID computer chips into our driver's licenses presents a huge privacy risk with very little benefit.... 'The new licenses would contain an unencrypted RFID chip that would contain a new unique citizen ID number that could be wirelessly read through both wallets and walls at distances of 30 feet.' ... 'Michigan should not be content to just roll over for Washington on this one, especially when there are so many unanswered questions about how the information will be shared."
If you do not pay to enhance your license, you will need a passport in order to continue going across the Canadian and Mexican borders in June
Paul Opsommer also introduced a resolution in the Michigan house called HCR 006 which is described by the short title: "A concurrent resolution to memorialize the President, the Congress, and the Department of Homeland Security of the United States to change requirements, agreements, and memorandums of understanding relating to the creation of Enhanced Drivers Licenses."
This resolution passed the house in March was referred by the Senate to the Committee on Transportation.
What can we do?
Call the members of the Senate committee saying you support the resolution and encourage them to pass this out of committee with a favorable recommendation
Jud Gilbert Toll Free (877)445-2378
Fax (517)373-1450 E-Mail
Roger Kahn Toll Free (866)305-2131
Fax (517)373-3487 E-Mail
Gerald VanWoerkom Toll Free (866)305-2134 Fax (517) 373-3300 E-Mail
Raymond Basham (517) 373-7800
Fax (517) 373-9310
John Gleason Toll Free (866) 268-2914
Fax (517) 373-3938 E-Mail
Call, fax, Gov. Granholm GRANHOLM - Contact the Governor
PHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858
FAX:(517) 335-6863 demanding to get us out of the current EDL agreement so it can be renegotiated without RFID and without foreign data sharing.
Do not get an Enhanced Drivers' Licenses. Use your passport instead. If you don't have a passport get one, if you have one check to make sure if it needs to be renewed Where to Apply for a Passport Nationwide
2. 10th Amendment Legislation
TENTH AMENDMENT: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Rep. Paul Opsommer has a House Resolution to affirm Michigan's 10th Amendment rights
Michigan Legislature - House Concurrent Resolution 0004 (2009)
A concurrent resolution to affirm Michigan's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and to urge the federal government to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States.
However, it was referred to Committee on Government Operations were it remains.
What can we do?
Call the members of the committee saying you support the resolution and encourage them to pass this out of committee with a favorable recommendation
Reps. Constan (C), Toll Free (888)345-8017
Fax (517) 373-5967
Liss Toll Free (888)LISS-028
Fax (517) 373-5910
Corriveau Toll Free (877)20TH-REP
Fax (517) 373-5952
Simpson Toll Free (888)DIST-065
Fax (517) 373-5242
Slezak Toll Free (800)555-8560
Fax (517) 373-5812
Warren (517) 373-2577
Fax (517) 373-5808
Walsh (Min.VC) (517) 373-3920
Fax (517) 373-5957
Daley (517) 373-1800
Fax (517) 373-9981
McMillin Toll Free (866)969-0450
Fax (517) 373-5838
3. Constitutional Convention (Con Con)
APRIL 16, 2009
"Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land is proposing legislation to establish procedures for a possible Constitutional Convention, a move that prepares Michigan if next year voters call for one.
Voters decide every 16 years whether a convention will be convened to revise Michigan's Constitution. The question will be on the Nov. 2, 2010 general election ballot. ... Michigan has adopted four constitutions, the last being in 1963. The requirement for a Constitutional Convention ballot question every 16 years is part of the 1963 constitution. The question was on the 1978 and 1994 ballots. It was rejected both
SOS - Secretary Land ensuring state is ready for possible Constitutional Convention,1607,7-127--212969--,00.html
Reps. Constan (C), Toll Free (888)345-8017
Fax (517) 373-5967
Liss Toll Free (888)LISS-028
Fax (517) 373-5910
Corriveau Toll Free (877)20TH-REP
Fax (517) 373-5952
Simpson Toll Free (888)DIST-065
Fax (517) 373-5242
Slezak Toll Free (800)555-8560
Fax (517) 373-5812
Warren (517) 373-2577
Fax (517) 373-5808
Walsh (Min.VC) (517) 373-3920
Fax (517) 373-5957
Daley (517) 373-1800
Fax (517) 373-9981
McMillin Toll Free (866)969-0450
Fax (517) 373-5838
3. Constitutional Convention (Con Con)
APRIL 16, 2009
"Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land is proposing legislation to establish procedures for a possible Constitutional Convention, a move that prepares Michigan if next year voters call for one.
Voters decide every 16 years whether a convention will be convened to revise Michigan's Constitution. The question will be on the Nov. 2, 2010 general election ballot. ... Michigan has adopted four constitutions, the last being in 1963. The requirement for a Constitutional Convention ballot question every 16 years is part of the 1963 constitution. The question was on the 1978 and 1994 ballots. It was rejected both
SOS - Secretary Land ensuring state is ready for possible Constitutional Convention,1607,7-127--212969--,00.html
If this passes, there will be a new constitution in Michigan. The State Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land here (second only to the US Constitution).
In Michigan, we could lose:
Headlee. Prop A. Ballot requirements for some taxes.
Checks and balances on some governmental offices
Gas tax only goes to roads
Affirmative Action ban
Right to keep and bear arms on the state level
Right to vote on judges
Redistricting reform
Ballot initiative process
Ability to amend the constitution.
Recall elections
This will be on the ballot in 2010.
What can we do?
Vote against the call for a Con Con
Did You Know?
In Michigan, we could lose:
Headlee. Prop A. Ballot requirements for some taxes.
Checks and balances on some governmental offices
Gas tax only goes to roads
Affirmative Action ban
Right to keep and bear arms on the state level
Right to vote on judges
Redistricting reform
Ballot initiative process
Ability to amend the constitution.
Recall elections
This will be on the ballot in 2010.
What can we do?
Vote against the call for a Con Con
Did You Know?
You can get a free 2009-10 Citizen's Guide to State Government & a Michigan Constitution by calling or e-mailing your Representative - Find a Representative
Or PDF of the
Citizen's Guide to State Government
Stay informed, stay involved, stay encouraged, and be an encouragement!
Joan Grassroots in Michigan
Co-Organizer Lansing, MI 02-27,04-15 and 07-4 Tea Parties - Find a Representative
Or PDF of the
Citizen's Guide to State Government
Stay informed, stay involved, stay encouraged, and be an encouragement!
Joan Grassroots in Michigan
Co-Organizer Lansing, MI 02-27,04-15 and 07-4 Tea Parties
1 comment:
Wow. That's quite a list!
Way to go, Joan!!!
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