Contact your State Senator to Oppose Senate Bill 307
Contact your State Senator to Oppose Senate Bill 307
Governor Granholm’s 2% Tax on Services
Governor Granholm’s 2% tax increase plan was introduced in the State Senate. Senate Bill 307, introduced by Senator Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor) includes taxing virtually everything ! (See Sec. 7.)
(1) Services subject to the tax levied under this act include, but are not limited to, the following: ) from (b,c) Admission to spectator sports, and movies (d) Cable and other program distribution, (f) Dues and fees for golf courses (j) Repair and maintenance services, (x) Other amusement and recreation services, as described in NAICS industry code 71399, which include, but are not limited to, pool parlors, dance halls, miniature golf courses, coin-operated amusement devices but not gambling devices, riding stables, and recreational day camps that are noninstructional. (y) The renting or leasing of miniwarehouses and self-storage, (cc) Waste collection services (nn) Third party administration services of insurance or pension funds, as described in NAICS industry code 524292., (oo) Other insurance-related activities, (rr) Real estate-related services, (iii) Advertising and related services, (lll) Construction services.
And on and on and on!
The upshot is that virtually EVERYONE will be affected by this tax, directly or indirectly, The last thing Michigan taxpayers need now is more NEW TAXES as this would only further depress Michigan’s TAXPAYERS and her economy and increase the exodus out of Michigan
If you do not know who your senator is, you may go here http://senate.michigan.gov/SenatorInfo/find-your-senator.htm
to find out the name and contact information for your Senator
you know what, a new tax may not be great but a sales tax is the fairest tax of all. those who have spend the most and would end up paying the most. its a fair tax for everyone. we should have this instead of income tax.
The caveat is that we DO have a state income tax.
This tax is only fair if there is a dollar for dollar reduction in some other state tax. Otherwise it's just going to feed the monster more.
Speaking of taxes...
The Tax Foundation
Has posted on its site a;
Facts & Figures Handbook: How Does Your State Compare?
edited by Curtis S. Dubay
How do taxes in your state compare nationally?
You may send for a free booklet or view via a downloadable .pdf. or Excel file here;
Btw Michigan has a Overall Rank of 27 in the State Business Tax Climate Index Rankings
Of course this is from 2006 and does not include
a further 2% Service Tax, which is being proposed
by Gov. Granholm
I hate to tell you this...but Fred Thompson is not a conservative. Vote Duncan Hunter.
I agree with you that Duncan Hunter is a conservative. However Duncan Hunter, unfortuntely doesn't have a chance to win the nomination based on
how he has done in the Primaries.
On the other hand Fred Thompson is the most conservative candidate that has, at this point a chance to win the nomination.
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