Saturday, August 23, 2008

Barry Picks a Running Mate

So we finally have the big announcement, "the messiah" aka Barry Soreto aka Barack Hussein Obama has picked his main disciple, Senator Joe Biden, long time Congress critter from Delaware and semi-professional presidential candidate.

Just to jog the memory some tidbits from Biden's past presidential campaigns;

In 1987, Joe Biden ran as a Democratic presidential candidate...Then in September 1987, the campaign ran into serious trouble when he was accused of plagiarizing a speech by Neil Kinnock, then-leader of the British Labour Party.[26] Though Biden had correctly credited the original author in all speeches but one, the one where he failed to make mention of the originator was caught on video; the New York Times reported "Senator Biden began his remarks by saying the ideas had come to him spontaneously on the way to the debate."[26][27]

Within days, it was also discovered that as a first-year law student at Syracuse Law School, Biden had plagiarized a law review article in a class paper he wrote. Though the dean of the law school in 1988 as well as Biden's former professor played down the incident of plagiarism, they did find that Biden drew "chunks of heavy legal prose directly from" the article in question. Biden said the act was inadvertent due to his not knowing the proper rules of citation, and Biden was permitted to retake the course after receiving a grade of F, which was subsequently dropped from his record.[28] Biden also released his undergraduate grades, which started off poorly andaccording to E. J. Dionne, remained unexceptional.[28]

Further, when questioned by a New Hampshire resident about his law school, Biden misstated being in the "top half" of his class, (when he actually graduated 76th in a class of 85) that he had attended on a full scholarship, and had received three degrees when in fact he received two majors, History and Political Science, and a half scholarship from Syracuse and a grant from the Higher Education Scholarship Fund of the state of Delaware (he didn't pay any tuition).

[29] In response to the questions and criticism, he said: "However trivial, I certainly believe these are legitimate questions of press inquiry. And I will be as responsive to these and other inquiries as I possibly can."[29]

Faced with these revelations, Biden withdrew from the nomination race on September 23, 1987,

Biden declared his candidacy for president on January 31, 2007, although he had discussed running for months prior...

Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen as saying that Biden's candidacy might be endangered by his "manic-obsessive running of the mouth."[35]

This foreshadowed Biden's January 31 remark on fellow Democratic candidate and Senator Barack Obama, frequently transcribed as, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."[36]

However, several linguists and political analysts stated that the correct transcription includes a comma after the word "African-American", which "would significantly change the meaning (and the degree of offensiveness) of Biden's comment".[37]

Still, his comments took second place on Time magazine's list of Top 10 Campaign Gaffes for 2007.[38]

In May 2004 on “Meet the Press, Joe Biden said “I think John McCain would be a great candidate for vice president,”

Soooo nice quote for a McCain campaign ad don't ya think?

Hmm I guess Obama thought it would be a great idea to have a running mate that was a McCain's peer in age and race?

Conventional wisdom is Biden has the foreign policy experience that Obama lacks.

But Joe Biden is a target rich elitist that McCain can capitalize on. On the other hand, Biden being a long time Congress critter knows which closets McCain's skeletons are in and will use the information. Look for the 2008 campaign to get real ugly from here to November

Bottom line, Obama screwed up,big time, he should have picked Hillary. He should have at least feted her

McCain scores on this one, and he didn't even need to shoot

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